MEA x Woodlot Part Two: Ritual + Scent

This is the second of a three-part series on Rest + Digest with our friends at Woodlot.

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Three rituals to support digestion:

1. Breathe

Unless you’re choking or sick, few of us really pay attention to our breath and its connection to our mood and emotions. So before you begin eating, take one minute to breathe fully, gently and slowly. Bring yourself to your body, sitting there at the table. Be committed to being nowhere else and begin breathing with the intention of relaxing and becoming fully present. This is the fastest way to shift our bodies into a more relaxed state. 

 2. Calm

So many of us are racing through life and if we can slow down more by sitting down to eat, by being realistic about how many things we can actually get done in a day, by focusing on one task instead of five at once, we can shift our body out of fight or flight mode, and into rest and digest mode. Life happens so fast. It deserves our full attention and it deserves it’s full due. Relax. Enjoy the process. There’s no good reason to move so fast that we can’t metabolize our meal. Slow. It. Down.

 3. Enjoy 

When we focus on enjoying our food, we activate our pleasure receptors, we tune into our senses – our sense of taste, touch, smell, are initiated – and this has the positive impact of activating “rest and digest”. You may have noticed that none of the above suggestions is purely focused on food. What we eat certainly has an impact on our digestive wellness, but it’s not the whole story. Digestive wellness and nutritional healing is much more than just the food and supplements we choose to ingest. Go ahead, see what happens when you add pleasure into the equation.

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Scents to Support Our Bodies to Rest + Digest: 

Vetiver is sometimes referred to as the “Oil of Tranquility” or “The Fragrance of the Soil” for its calming effects.

Lavender is well known for its ability to help our busy minds relax. 

Bergamot oil is a relaxant — it reduces nervous tension, and works as a stress reliever and digestive stimulant.

Orange’s pleasant scent has a cheerful and uplifting yet simultaneously relaxing and calming effect.

Frankincense may help to speed up the secretion of digestive enzymes and relax the muscles of the digestive tract.

Rosemary is a carminative herb that may be helpful in calming an upset stomach and reducing gas. 

Peppermint essential oil contains antispasmodic properties, which can relax the muscles in the digestive tract, easing symptoms of constipation.

Cinnamon stimulates circulation and improves digestion. 

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Photo by Sarah Konyer

Photography and styling: Sarah Konyer

Linens: Flax Sleep

Ceramics: Janaki Larsen

Mugs: Clay by Chlo

Article written by: Jennifer Brott