q3: You two are married, how is it doing business together?
Ash - side hustles are the best and who better to do it with than your bestie? (sorry for the sap fest)
Nader - Any successful partnership, be it business or marriage, needs open communication. We can talk about ideas we like and don't like, and make decisions together. Also, as far as Camp Camp is concerned, we know who's the boss (spoiler alert: she is).
q4: What was your favourite childhood camp memory?
Ash - as a camper it was crawling through the mudpit during colour war at Camp Medley back in New Brunswick. I distinctly remember picking and packing a mudpit outfit that was pre-approved by my parents, fully knowing those clothes weren't going to see another day.
As a counsellor - I spent the summer in upstate NY (with none other than Jennifer Brott) as the music counsellor for an all summer long sleep away camp called Timberlake. So, it was seeing my campers conquer fears and step on stage to perform the musicals.
Nader - as a camper, my fav memory was playing Predators and Prey in the fields at North Vancouver Outdoor School. I also remember the night walks in the forest, where we would turn off our flash lights and be in the total dark listening to the sounds of the forest and trying to scare our friends.
As a counsellor, I loved teaching archery. Robin Hood was my fav Disney cartoon (before Lion King was released) so I always had a respect for bow and arrows and now I was owning the moment and showcasing my skill to an audience of young campers as they cheered me on.
q5: How did you find the venue?
Ash - Nader.
Nader - Growing up in North Vancouver, I went to Outdoor School many times as part of our school curriculum. I had also gone back as a counsellor so I had many fond memories of this venue. The venue's name has changed from Outdoor School to Cheakamus Centre, and they've built an amazing building which serves as the learning centre and cafeteria, and this didn't exist back in the day. Everything else though is pretty much the same.